The word - Multiple Encounters came about after a lot of brain storming done amongst us - and the American artist friend CAROLINE WALONSKI suggested this name and everyday accepted it at the same moment. We the members of Multiple Encounters, have been visiting and experiencing the Art Fair, since its inception in 2008, held in - Pragati Maidan, and subsequently in NSCI ground. Though the Prints were represented in fewer number, an absence of a booth, exhibiting exclusive ORIGINAL PRINT, has always been felt by us.

At this juncture, Multiple Encounters proposes to showcase a booth of " PRINTS " only, to strengthen and take forward the idea of ORIGINAL PRINTS.

Founder Members

Ananda Moy Banerji

Dattatreya Apte

Kavita Nayar

Moti Zharotia

Sushanta Guha

K R Subbanna

Vijay Kumar